Thursday, July 21, 2011

Celebrating the Boy who Lived

I can't believe its over.

For those of you who did not get into Harry Potter at a young age, you can still appreciate the 7th and final movie, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 2. But for those of us that did get sucked into that world, watching the last movie was like closing the final chapter of our childhood. They got it right when they said it was the end of an era...

For this reason, I decided to bake "Harry Potter Cauldron Cakes" prior to the midnight premiere of the movie (which I had tickets to, of course). I mean, after 14 years (yes, it's been that long) of following the series, I think it at least deserves a cupcake and post on my blog. I'm going to try to stick to the recipe alone, without rambling on about the political subtexts of the books - which is part of the reason why HP has my heart.

Ok, here goes...

Cupcake:             HP Cauldron Spice Cakes
Frosting:              Cream Cheese Frosting
*Music:               Harry Potter 7 Soundtrack. Duh.
**Disclaimer: There are two versions of Cauldron Cakes online - One is a chocolate cupcake made to look like a cauldron; the other is a spice cupcake, which is the one described here**
Ingredients/Equipment Needed:

  • 2 cups flour
  •  1 1/2 cups sugar
  • 3 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup softened butter
  • 1 cup milk - I used soy milk because I can.
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 3 eggs
  •  3/4 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/8 tsp ginger


1.     Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2.     Mix eggs, sugar, butter, cinnamon, ginger, and vanilla in a large mixing bowl and whip for two minutes.

3.     Mix other solid ingredients and milk in gradually in the large mixing bowl until evenly blended.

4.     Put batter in the muffin tins until 2/3 full (I didn't do this and filled them all of the way up, which caused them to look more muffin-like than cupcake-like...oops).

5.     Bake for 25 minutes (I only baked mine for 18 minutes and they were just fine).

6.     Decorate with sprinkles and frosting if desired. I frosted them with a homemade cream cheese frosting and put a yellow lightening bolt on the top.  

So, I finish the cakes and head to the movie theater, with the newly-engaged Tory and Josh, along with Ryan and Abby.

I had to kindly talk the theater security into letting me bring the cupcakes into the theater, which is never a problem. After waiting in line, finding seats, and enjoying our Cauldron Spice Cakes, the moment had come.

 For those of you who have yet to see the movie, I won't say give anything away, but it was EPIC. The supporting characters made the movie worth watching, in my opinion. Perhaps in another post, I'll ramble on about my obsession with Harry Potter, but not here.

Albus Dumbledore: "I always surprise myself on my ability to turn a phrase. Words are, in my not so humble opinion, the most inexhaustible source of magic; capable of both inflicting injury and remedying it."
Until next time, comrades!!
Love, Meg



Good times, good cupcakes :)

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